We are closed for Thanksgiving week 22nd to 28th of November

Serving your Community

Our franchise is locally owned and operated. We are contributors in our community and beyond. Donating to partner schools and charities, as well as serving, coaching, and volunteering.

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An easier way to shop

An easier way to shop

Sign in or create an account and you can check out faster, save addresses, track orders, and create a wish list.

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Dress for Success!

Dress for Success!

We know the proven, transforming benefits of school uniforms.Introducing a new uniform program requires a partner to provide excellent planning, communication, and management.

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New Store Hours from Monday 05/27/2024 

Sunday & Monday - CLOSED

Tuesday - 10am to 5:30pm

Wednesday - 10am to 5:30pm

Thrusday - 10am to 5:30pm

Friday - 10am to 5pm

Saturday - 10am to 3pm

Our Store

Our Store

We are San Antonio’s preferred provider of school uniforms and dress code apparel. It is our goal to dress our students for success.

We do all decoration and embroidery in house! We are part of a national school apparel company but we have an owner operator working in the store. We are members of your community and want to work with you to make it the best place to live.

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Giving Back

Giving Back

We give back a percentage of every dollar earned from our partner schools. This way, we can directly contribute to much-needed academic resources, technology, facilities, playgrounds, and student scholarships every year. We also work with schools to create other exciting fundraising opportunities.
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Additional Services

Additional Services

Along with school uniforms, we provide several complementary additional services including career wear, corporate logo apparel, promotional products, custom embroidery, athletic uniforms, spirit wear, and more!

We’ll work with you to meet any need. Reach out to us.

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Academic Outfitters of San Antonio

Online Distribution Center

Store Hours:
Always Open

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